Dos and Don’ts on Free Public Charging Spots?

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I’m dealing with a bit of a situation at the free public chargers. People keep unplugging my car even though it’s still charging. I had a run-in with one guy who said I was being a jerk for not sharing. So am I out of line here? What’s the deal - are you supposed to unplug someone’s car if it’s been charging forever, or is that a no-go?
If you’re sitting at 60-80% and can make it home just fine, it’s a good call to unplug and let someone else take a turn. Just because it’s free doesn’t mean you should hold onto it when you’re all set. Sharing’s the way to go – it’s better for everyone!
I would never unplug someone unless it's an emergency, but if I don't need the charger as much anymore, I’d be willing to let someone else use it. It’s the considerate thing to do.