Mach-E Locked Out After Update

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Man, my Mach-E decided to throw a tantrum after the latest software update! Everything went through fine, but now I’m locked out - no luck with the app, the fob, or even manually trying the door handles. Apparently, there’s a charge fault, and Ford's theory is that it needed to be juiced up to 90% to wrap things up. Like, what? The update said it was good to go - so why the extra charge? Anyone else hit this road bump? I’d love any advice to get back in action!
Updates require a fully charged 12V battery. Leaving your main battery at 80% charge does not guarantee a fully charged 12V battery.
This is one of those moments where technology feels more like a headache than a convenience. Why would an update need a 90% charge after it said it was done? Sounds like something Ford should have flagged during the process. I’d definitely push for more clarity from their support, this kind of thing shouldn’t happen to a locked car.

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